Monday, May 24, 2010

Tea Cats and Birthdays

"Tea Cats" Acrylic on 8 x 8 canvas.

So yeah, I'm 22 now. I'm getting old, but I still have a mindset of an 18-year-old. I didn't really go out to drink and do that nonsense party stuff, but instead I had a picnic with friends and had little dinners. :)


  1. We should have a tea party next time! This is a really nice piece, i like the wood part of it too!

  2. I love this painting of yours. It's been amazing to see your art grow throughout the years. =] You have an amazing style and are an amazing person/artist/writer/thinker/Dawny.


    I believe you were, what, 14 when we met? How the time flies, my friend.

    Once I hit 21 and am able, I'm flying out there and getting you drunk with me for fun =b

  3. @Kasey: Yes!! I wonder if they'll be having one at AnimeNext...

    @Jayli: I AM OLD, YES. XD
    Oh man, that would be great. I still have to visit your place, lol. But I'm always poor. :(
